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The Everyday Empath

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Achieve Energetic Balance in Your Life

Enrich your understanding of empathy and improve your empathic abilities with this easy-to-use, captivating guide. The Everyday Empath offers a well-rounded view of what it means to experience high levels of empathy in daily life. Featuring engaging exercises, examples, and insights, it is an essential resource for any empath.

Explore empathic self-care and how to spiritualize your empathy through daily meditation, prayer, shrines, vision boards, and more. Discover the importance of creative expression and astrological shifts as they relate to your experience as an empath. You'll even learn how to share your healing gifts with friends and family and use your talents to serve your community. From science to spirituality, this book emphasizes the necessity of personal balance in order to live an empathically empowered life. It is sure to help you gain perspectives that can be of assistance on your own empathic expedition.

Author: Digitalis, Raven
Vendor: Llewellyn Worldwide

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