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Our Fave Lip Balms

Our lip balms are picked from our favourite, most loved makers as chosen by customers.

About Moody Bee Lip Balm:

Moody Bee is Kimberley, BC owned, operated and made on site with local bees and honey. Voted the "best lip balm ever".

About Serious Lip Balm

An art professor and her former student,  Khara and Luckey - unknowingly launched Serious Lip Balm from our kitchens in 2014 when they discovered a mutual passion for creating handmade and useful gifts while making people laugh. Serious Lip Balm quickly escalated from a way to give something heartfelt to teachers to a fully-fledged business with more than 15 products and hundreds of SKUs.

Stay tuned for more lip balm brands...

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