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Interested in becoming a wholesaler?

We’re always excited to add new wholesalers to our team! If you meet our wholesaler requirements, we can set you up with an account in no time.

Healing Hollow strongly believes in supporting our retailers, so our set up orders are based upon years of experience knowing what sells in particular stores. Because our customers come first we want to ensure they have a great selection at their local retailer, thus we are selective on who we choose, requiring our retailers to stock sufficiently in order to present our product how we intend to be seen and ship orders within 4 business days to keep everyone smiling. Unfortunately we do not offer wholesale to individuals as "reps" or home based business as customers want variety, accessibility and an opportunity to touch and experience the product. Your minimum first order includes a farmhouse vintage wood display stand, promotional material, as well, we promote your HH arrival on our facebook page in your area. We offer easy online ordering and fast shipping with 100% mark up.

Please download the PDF and get in touch if you would like to be part of the family.

Download our Wholesale Display Packages Document

or check us out on Faire and save with intro orders:

Thanks for supporting small business, we appreciate it xo

Have Questions About Our Wholesale Program or an Existing Order?

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