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Louise Hay Oracle Cards

Like Louise Hay's perennial best-sellers, Power Thought Cards and Wisdom Cards, the Life Loves You Cards contain affirmations that plant seeds for personal growth and transformation. Created by Louise Hay and Robert Holden, co-authors of Life Loves You: 7 Spiritual Practices to Heal Your Life, the Life Loves You Cards, like their book, explore the deeper meaning and practical application of Louise's signature affirmation, Life loves you.

Each of the 52 cards contains an affirmation to practice on one side and on the other, an inspiring message to encourage self-inquiry and positive action. Among the affirmations:

Power Thoughts Deck: A Deck of 64 Affirmation Cards to Help You Find Your Inner Strength. Packaged in a beautiful gift box, this deck of 64 cards contains 128 unique pieces of art exquisitely illustrated by five artists. Each vibrant card contains a powerful affirmation on one side and a visualization on the other to enlighten, inspire, and bring joy to your life.

Affirmations or Forgiveness: 12 affirmation cards to let go of the past and set yourself free from beloved self-help pioneer Louise Hay.

These cards were created to help you bring about forgiveness in your everyday life. Forgiveness means releasing regret, sadness, hurt, fear, guilt, blame, resentment, and sometimes even the desire for revenge. How do you start? By being willing to let get of the past. Be willing to release your emotional attachment to your memories of yesterday. The past is over, and this is a new day.


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