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3 Minute Happiness Journal

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Kristen Butler created her original, hugely popular 3 Minute Positivity Journal to share the tools, mindset strategies, and habits that helped her go from depressed and broke to happy, thriving, and whole. Now, Kristen returns with more unique prompts, affirmations, and ways to boost your mood and create happy habits in just minutes a day.

This journal starts with a practical and inspiring user's guide and then moves into quick, yet powerful daily entries - only 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening - to set you up for a more joy-filled life every single day. And because leading research reveals it takes 66 days to form a lifelong habit, it includes a full 90 days of prompts and exercises, so you can build a solid foundation for your new happiness routine.

You don't have to spend a decade building an empowering self-care routine through trial and error like Kristen did. With fresh, daily inspiration and done-for-you "check-ins," all you have to do is show up each day and watch your life transform. Happiness is only a few daily habits away!

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