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Thieves & Immune 5

February 02, 2020

Thieves & Immune 5

Thieves by Young Living: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary 


Immune 5 by Healing Hollow: Lemon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Tea tree, Oregano Lavender, Cinnamon bark, Sweet Marjoram, Cinnamon leaf, Clove, Thyme                       

Essential oils have been around a very long time to help with bugs, viruses and disease with great success. I get a chuckle when people poke fun at others about using oils or make sarcastic memes on essential oils helping combat viruses because there is so much information on it. Oils like clove and oregano have topped out antibiotics: “Oil from the common herb oregano may be an effective treatment against dangerous, and sometimes drug-resistant bacteria, a Georgetown researcher has found.”


I think medicine is phenomenal, I watch documentaries often and have the utmost respect for doctors who specialize in specific areas or go the extra mile to research and dig deeper.  Emergency, lifesaving medicine and paramedics, another area I admire but we cannot dispute, with its growing popularity, that herbs and essential oils, PLANTS, have amazing powers as well. Having said that, both sides need to stay open and balanced not going too far to either side.

We get many customers asking if we have Thieves (which is a trademark of Young Living) and we do not. Thieves was inspired by the legend of the 15th century thieves who formulated it, wore this concoction while stealing and didn’t get ill during the plague. They received a more merciful punishment when they divulged their secret formula.

In my early years blending I read a lot on antiviral, anti-microbial and antibacterial essential oils, ironically, I knew nothing of Young Living then. I was sitting in Peachland in 2007, tired of seeing so many sick children, and immune compromised myself, that I blended Immune 5 and tweaked it again in 2011. I had a strong intuition that our bugs and viruses now were harder to fight, the superbugs, so I made this blend with more antiviral and antibacterial oils. Oregano and tea tree were after reading stories of success with strep throat and marjoram for its ability to relieve congestion, improve circulation, remove toxins, aid in sleep and of course its anti-septic/viral/fungal/bacterial properties. The Lemon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon bark, Cinnamon leaf, Clove and Thyme were after the ample information on them being successful for so many ailments.

Our Immune 5 pure and roll-on are very popular, now available in our hand sanitizer, room spray and bath bomb. We capped the Immune 5 products there as all the other variations can be made yourself with the pure Immune 5 blend by simply adding it to water, vinegar and so on.

We still get people wanting “Thieves” though, so we educate them on Immune 5 but before we are finished explaining, many interrupt to say they want “Thieves” because they have heard so much hype about it. We have been talked down to, we have been snubbed and we have been outright disrespected over it! Fair enough, it has some years on us and comes in at $45.52 for 15ml while Immune 5 comes in at $22.95 for 10ml (with some added essential oils in it). My comparison: some like banana bread with chocolate chips, some don’t. Some like Pepsi, some like Coke-it is just a matter of preference and experience. You cannot always be swayed by something more costly or because it has a bigger advertising budget (by about a million dollars) or the fact that one will always pay more for anything multi-level marketed.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Thieves oil, I think it has likely helped a zillion people, but the time has come to explain myself once and for all so there you have it. With that comes our Immune ‘Got This’ Pack being launched tomorrow to give you some serious support for what ails us, all the immunity favourites to have on hand at all times with tips on how to stay healthy!

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