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You Glow Girl! Exfoliating Scrub

This was a year in the making of trial and error, taking it home, trying again and we nailed it. Made with exfoliating apricot, coffee and red raspberry seeds, combined with aloe, castor, argan and skin nourishing oils, we wanted it to be really scrubby but not super drying. Essential oils of helichrysum, chamomile, orange and eucalyptus it renews skin, deals with blemishes and has a cooling effect to wake up the skin. 

For use 2 x a week. 

Ingredients: aloe, castor, argan, olive, apricot seeds, red raspberry seeds, seaweed powder, papaya powder, coffee grounds, Helichrysum, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, and Orange essential oils in a foaming base

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