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Whiskey Lip Balm

Who doesn't love a cozy blanket, the crisp air, the changing leaves and OUR AUTUMN-INSPIRED LIP BALMS? No one, that's who! Smoky, sweet and everything in between, our whiskey lip balm is a fan favorite all year 'round but especially when it reminds us of cracking campfires! Let's talk about Serious Lip Balm.

A women-owned company, we work with amazing humans with physical and mental setbacks (yay, Elm City Center!) to create products with amazing ingredients like shea butter and lanolin. Our balms are all natural, handmade and all around awesome to help you feel your best so that you can be your best.

Each lip balm is handcrafted in Illinois, glides on without being sticky or greasy and is shipped directly from our hands to yours. moisturizing, healing, chapstick, stocking stuffers, gift, unisex, grooming, bath and body, empowerment, comfort, give back, lotions, spa, beauty, stocking stuffer, body butter, lip balms, skincare, lipcare, white elephant, snarky, sassy

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