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Warm Buddy Mouse

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Warm Buddy Mice stands 8-13″ tall and are cream in color. Our cuddle plush mouse comes with a removable inner heat pad (containing all natural ingredients) that can be warmed or cooled as desired. Our cuddle plush mouse is an ideal solution for any issues with chronic pain or trouble sleeping. Soothing warmth will provide comfort and stress relief. Tiny Mouse does NOT heat up. 


  • Cuddle Plush Mouse comes with a removable heat pad
  • Heat pad is unscented and hypoallergenic
  • Ultra soft like bunny fur
  • Safe and easy to use warm or cool
  • Microwave or freezer
  • Washable cover
  • Aromatherapy can be added by placing few drops of our Healing Hollow oils on them
  • Used to treat all kinds of bumps and bruises / aches and chronic pain, headaches and tummy aches
  • Gentle warmth helps settle children at bedtime so they can achieve a good night’s sleep
  • Natural alternative to medication

Heat Pad Made in Canada with imported fur covers

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