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Tobacco Absolute

Solubility & Blending Suggestions VERY THICK

Dilute and add drop by drop to your blends until the desired effect is achieved.Soluble in 190 proof alcohol and partially soluble in fixed (vegetal/carrier) oils. It does impart its aroma to fixed (carrier) oils by gently heating both absolute and carrier oil separately before combining. When cooled, insoluble material will precipitate to the bottom, however the portion remaining will be highly aromatic.
For special use instructions to blend, please see our FAQ section for details.Tobacco Absolute is “used not only in the ‘tabac’ type of modern or aldehydic perfumes, but also for ‘dry’ and ‘masculine’ effects in fantasy types, in Amber blends, etc. [and produces] effects which are very hard to imitate or match (with other materials)."*

*Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, 1960, p. 619.

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