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The Art of Change Journal

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In this guided journal, master life coach Nancy Levin shows you how to tap into your desire and find the power you need to create lasting change.

Change begins with your commitment to your own evolution. As author and life coach Nancy Levin shares, when you practice the eight dimensions of reinvention, you can embody the art of change by consciously curating what you want to bring into your life and what you choose to release.

Nancy will be with you every step of the way, coaching you through this guided journal as you move in the direction of your reinvention: a return to the essence of who you are instead of endless versions of who you think you need to be. By dissolving the obstacles in your way, you can tap into your desire and discover the power available to you for creating lasting change.

Each week, you'll explore one of the eight dimensions of reinvention through bite-size, actionable daily prompts designed to take you into the heart of who you are.

Whether you're determined to shift a small habit or move massive mountains, The Art of Change will meet you where you are and take you where you want to go. This journal is for truth seekers and brave, curious souls who are ready to make a shift in a short period of time - and to become skilled practitioners in the art of change

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