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Slow Down and Be Here Now (Hardcover)

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More Nature Stories to Make You Stop, Look, and Be Amazed by the Tiniest Things

The follow-up to "Slow Down: 50 Mindful Moments in Nature" invites you to enjoy the present moment with everyday nature that makes you stop, watch, and be amazed by the tiniest things

The "Slow Down" series encourages kids (and their grown-ups!) to take the time to stop and experience mindful moments in nature. Zoom in to observe a hummingbird drinking nectar or a pea shoot appear. Delight in a little snail as he comes come out to drink. Charming text paired with real science invite you to observe nature up close. Let it stop you in your tracks, so that you can truly find joy in the present moment.

Author: Brand, Laura & Hartas, Freya
Vendor: Hachette Audio

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