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Rugged Beard & Face Wash

Oooh this dreamy, foaming beard wash for men soothes and cleanses the beard or face with its lather and amazing antibacterial essential oils. We chose oils for bacteria, growth, pores, dryness and itchiness. We added a hint of apricot seeds to exfoliate and relieve itchiness. This wash will make the beard and face refreshed and healthy. We tested and talked to our bearded men and I think we nailed it. 

2 oz jar

Ingredients: glycerin, aqua, sodium cocoyl Isethionate, disodium, lauryl sulfosuccinate, sorbitol, ground apricot seeds, Oils of: lemon, eucalyptus, pine, peppermint, rosemary, black pepper, orange, sandalwood and howood. 

More men's here.

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