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Rosehip Carrier Oil

Botanical Name: Rosa Canina, Rosa Rubiginosa, Rosa Eglanteria, Rosa Moschata

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Processing Type: Refined

Obtained From: Seeds

Origin: Chile

Description: Rosehip Refined Carrier Oil is extremely high in essential fatty acids and is known to help with dry, irritated, weathered skin. It is suitable to use as a moisturizer and may assist in reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks. There are some concerns that it can aggravate acne conditions. Please do a patch test on the skin before using it.

Color: Pale yellow to deep golden liquid.

Aromatic Description: Typical and Characteristic of Carrier Oils.

Common Uses: Rosehip Refined Carrier Oil is becoming popular with massage therapists for its skin soothing effects, though it is typically in dilution (10% recommended). It is also suitable for cosmetics and manufacturing.

Absorption: Rosehip Carrier Oil is considered a “drying oil” which means that it is quickly absorbed by the skin and does not leave an oily feel.

Shelf Life: Users can expect a shelf life of up to 2 years with proper storage conditions (cool, out of direct sunlight). Refrigeration after opening is recommended. Please refer to the Certificate of Analysis for current Best Before Date

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