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Pink Himalayan Salt Inhaler + 150 G Packet Of Salt

Our Himalayan Pink Salt Inhaler is made of high-quality ceramic and contains food-grade Himalayan pink salt. Like gargling & nasal rinses (Meti), inhaling is another way to enjoy the wonders of Himalayan salt in your home or on the go. When you inhale through the mouthpiece, micron-sized particles of Himalayan pink salt enter the respiratory system, including the sinuses, nasal cavities, throat and lungs. Inhaling the micron-size salt particles help cleanse the respiratory system as a whole.

Product Features

  • Natural and non-invasive device for salt air therapy
  • Used for centuries as a method of cleansing the respiratory system.
  • Made of high-quality ceramic.
  • Food-grade Himalayan pink salt.
  • Includes a 150 g packet of Himalayan pink salt.

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