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Pain Away Pet

New and improved to help our pets experiencing pain. After researching and learning from an aromatherapy certified vet who treats all animals daily in her practice, we have fine tuned all our pet blend ingredients and dilutions to ensure they are safe and effective for your loved ones.

Organic/Wild Crafted Oils of: copaiba, Cymbopogon flexuosus (lemongrass), Tsuga Canadensis (spruce), Thymus mastichina (marjoram), Matricaria chamomilla L (chamomile) and Commiphora myrrha (myrrh) in Olea europaea oil (olive).

Use:  Apply to area as needed. Apply between pads of paws 3x/daily for deeper pain issues.

For accurate information on pets and essential oils please ensure you only refer to aromatherapy trained vets or those specializing essential oils and pet safety. Vets that haven’t taken recent courses in essential oil safety are not up to date on the latest studies or benefits that essential oils have on pets: most recent research is showing that synthetic chemicals and treatments are more harmful.

Special thanks to Dr. Roark for digging so deep into oils and animals. For more info on her work:

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