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Lunar Abundance

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Cultivating Joy, Peace, and Purpose Using the Phases of the Moon

In a world in which women feel increasingly disconnected - from their inner selves, each other, and the world, Lunar Abundance offers a path to reconnection, with results that you can actually see. It shows how by tuning into the natural rhythm of lunar ebbs and flows, you can connect with work, relationships, your body, and surroundings on a higher level than ever before, becoming more productive and self-aware in the process. Filled with inspirational photography and interactive features, it's also a practical guide to self-care that will help you summon your true potential and create a better life for you and for those in your orbit.

This beautiful book is perfect for any woman seeking holistic wellness and unique inspiration to feed mind, body, and soul.

Author: Spencer, Ezzie
Vendor: Running Press

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