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Liquid Gold 60ml

Improves skin.  Say goodbye to stretch marks and scars with this unique blend of oils that restore elasticity and promote new cell growth.

60 mls 

Organic/Wild Crafted Oils of: Rosa Canina oil, Triticum vulgare oil, Olea europae oil, Rubus idaeus seed oil, Citrus reticulate oil, Boswellia serrata oil, Pelargonium roseum x asperum oil, Citrus limon oil, Citrus sinensis oil, Citrus paradisi oil, Helichrysum italicum oil, Santalum album oil, Lavandula angustifolia oil, Commiphora myrrha oil.


  • Stretch marks: Apply to area in need 3x/daily. Works best applied to warmed skin.
  • Scars: Apply to area in need 3x/daily consistently.

Note: Results vary.

Discontinue use if irritation occurs. Not recommended for ingestion.

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