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Find Your Wild Feminine Guided Journal

With thoughtful meditations, insightful prompts, and somatic exercises, this guide to discovering your own "Wild Feminine" will nourish your deepest, most powerful self, helping you to trust your intuition, reveal and reclaim your inner voice, and cultivate self-acceptance and a deeper connection with the sacredness of life.

FOR FANS OF GUIDED JOURNALS: Writing down our thoughts with guidance from prompts and inspiration from beautiful illustrations is a powerful way to reclaim our lives. This journal is the perfect addition to any collection of guided journals or a meaningful purchase for anyone looking to take a leap into guided journaling.

RECONNECTING WITH THE WILD FEMININE: From folklore to pop culture to personal empowerment, there's a heightened interest in exploring the spiritual framework of connecting with the feminine archetypes, goddesses, and beings from our histories and within ourselves. This journal is the ideal guide to beginning your journey to connecting with the wild feminine.

POPULAR AUTHOR: Araki Koman is an artist and illustrator whose work explores folklore, mysticism, and slow living.

Perfect for:

  • Women looking for guidance on feminine empowerment
  • Explorers of wellness and spirituality
  • Fans of guided journals, tarot cards, and oracle decks that tap into inner wisdom and intuition, such as The Wild Unknown Alchemy Deck and Mystic Mondays Tarot
  • Birthday, Galentine's Day, holiday, or self-care gift for women

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