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Fall in Fernie Pure Blend

A piece of the Rocky Mountains in the fall.  Imagine being surrounded by red and yellow trees blanketing the mountains and walking along the river…

Use code: "DIFFUSER3" when you buy 3 or more diffusing blends to save 15%

Organic/Wild Crafted Oils of: Eucalyptus radiata oil, Abies balsamea oil, Citrus sinensis oil, Cinnamomum camphora oil, Hyssopus officinalis oil, Cymbopogon flexuosus oil, Juniperus communis oil, Achillea millefolium flower oil.

Use: Add 12-21 drops to a diffuser or ionizer with water.  Add 5 drops to bath.

Discontinue if irritation occurs.  Not recommended for ingestion.

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