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Clean Sweep All Purpose Cleaner

Our bulk all purpose cleaner is finally ready! Sold presently in 32 oz refillable jars for you to add to whatever bottle you choose.

Plant-based. Free of SLS, SLES, Parabens, and Silicon.

Biodegradable and Eco-friendly, NDA’s Citrus Breeze All-Purpose Cleaner is a refreshing take on natural household cleaning! A robust blend of polyglucoside and natural preservatives, this premium concoction is chemical-free, vegan, and ready to use for all your house-cleaning needs. Our Citrus Breeze All-Purpose Cleaner has a fresh, citrusy scent that is invigorating and will awaken your senses while you clean! Simply spray a generous amount on any washable surface to achieve a sparkling finish while enjoying a whiff of Citrus Breeze!

Product Benefits:
 Non-toxic, gentle, and effective
 SLS & SLES, Paraben & Silicon free
 Free of fragrances, dyes, Alcohol
 No petroleum or petrochemical-based ingredients
 No glycol ethers

Usage Guidelines:
Spray the surface until thoroughly wet. Wipe with a clean cloth or sponge. No rinsing is required.

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