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Bliss Butters


Healing Hollow’s newest line of butters with our top selling oils and blends added to them for pure bliss. Created for pain and skin help, these butters can make a great massage oil or help with various issues.

SOOTHE is our top seller for eczema, diaper rash and more shipping all over the world!!

Ingredients: Arnica: Non-GMO Soy with Arnica flower, (heterotheca inuloides), olive oil,tocopherol (vitamin E) (olea europaea)

Oat: Non-GMO Soy with oat oil (avena sativa kernel oil) Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

See individual product below for detailed ingredients added into above ingredients.

Pain Away: pain away blend added

Soothe: oat, Itchy Ban blend added(no arnica) 

Recover: Recover blend and turmeric oil added

Lavender & Arnica: lavender oil added to arnica butter

Nerve Ending: Nerve Ending blend added


Discontinue use if ANY irritation occurs.

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