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Bare Birch Lip Balms

Bare Birch Soap Company is a small business on a mission to create simple, sustainable and non-toxic, self-care products that feed your skin, made from the best ingredients in nature. In 2017, Stacey Richter, Owner & Founder of Bare Birch Soap Company embarked on a two-year journey of searching for answers to mysterious health issues. During her search, she learned a lot about the impact—positive or negative—that different substances have on our body, and that what we apply to our skin is just as important as the food we eat.

Our products are all-natural, plant-based, cruelty-free, palm-free and sustainably made to be good for you and the planet.

ingredients: hydrating coconut oil, protective beeswax, nourishing cocoa butter, soothing vitamin E oil and just the right amount of essential oil or fragrance


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