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Reading with a Custom Blend

I am Michelle, founder of Healing Hollow, I have been making oil blends intuitively for over 15 years and grew Healing Hollow to 5 locations and 60+ retailers across Canada. Combining intuition on what oils match specific ailments and using energy work and nature, Healing Hollow blends became a household must.

For many years, running Healing Hollow took up too much time and I felt that healing through the bottles was all I could handle but after a powerful healing journey over the last several years, I am ready to sit down, talk and make a blend specifically for you and your needs. 

Your appointment begins with a little chat to see where you're at in life; emotionally, spiritually and physically. I'll ask you some questions, take some notes then pull from the essential deck to see what spirit knows you need. We then go through the benefits of those specific oils and I make the blend for you. You will use the blend till finished where we will see if you need another, depending on ailments and issues. I will offer other advice if it comes to me such as lifestyle changes, supplements and so on, however, I will not upsell our products or any other products. 

I look forward to working with you! 

Please note that a $10 shipping fee may be added to sessions over Face Time where I have to mail the blend to you. 


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