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Rosemary Revival Shampoo

Made with raw and active plant ingredients and 100% pure essential oils, this pure formula strengthens and protects the hair leaving it soft and full of body. This creation is also used at our local Larix hotel in Kimberley where guests rave about it  

Free of parabens, petrochemicals, synthetic fragrances and colours. Suitable for all hair types.

Benefit of Ingredients:

Organic Rosemary Essential Oil – It is one of the most preferred all-purpose herb in herbal hair products.
Organic Spearmint Essential Oil – This is an uplifting oil, and a great refresher in the morning or at the end of a busy day.
Thyme Botanical Extract – An herb with great astringent properties.
Chrysanthemum Botanical Extract – This is a natural astringent to revitalize your scalp.
Guava Fruit Extract – This extract is rich in vitamins.

Shelf Life: 12 months

Size: 240 mls

Discontinue use if irritation occurs.


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