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Pimple & Blemish Patches

Experience the Magic of Pimple & Blemish Patches: Bid Farewell to Blemishes! Our Pimple & Blemish Patches are here to work their discreet wonders and tackle those unwanted blemishes head-on. These little marvels shield your skin and absorb excess oil and impurities from clogged pores, transforming the look of pimples. Powered by Nature's Goodness: Enriched with natural ingredients like tea tree oil, cica, and calendula extracts, these patches are a testament to the gentle yet effective approach we believe in. Pro Tip: Act Swiftly for Optimal Results! Apply at the First Sign.

Product Features:

  • Vegan.
  • Cruelty free. 
  • Improves the look of pimples by protecting the skin and absorbing oil and impurities from clogged pores. 
  • with tea tree, cica & calendula.
  • 36-patches per box.

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