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Spirit of Kimberley Pure Blend

Spirit of Kimberley, blended on opening week of Healing Hollow’s second location, we found oils that felt like this quaint mountain town. A taste of the mountains with a hint of sweet for that grounding feeling.

Use code: "DIFFUSER3" when you buy 3 or more diffusing blends to save 15%

Organic/Wild Crafted Oils of: Citrus nobilis oil, Origanum marjorana oil, Mentha Piperita oil, Ravensara aromatic oil, Ocimum basilicum L. oil, Callitris intratropica oil, Cedrus atlantica oil, Lippia Javanica oil, Coriandrum sativum oil.

Use: Add 12-21 drops to a diffuser or ionizer with water.  Add 5 drops to bath.

Discontinue if irritation occurs.  Not recommended for ingestion.

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