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Oil Spill Hair Serum

Oops! It's an oil spill - but don't worry, it's the kind you want. This all-natural hair oil is a total game changer, Turning dry, lackluster locks into a glossy, healthy mane with just a few drops. Packed with pure, nourishing ingredients, it's like a spa day for your hair, without the mess. So go ahead, let your hair soak up this 'spill' - no clean-up required, just fabulous, shiny, and smooth strands!

Made with argan, oat and all the nourishing oils, this serum cures dry ends, frizz and adds shine. With argan and coconut oil, it protects hair from curling and straightening up to 400 degrees. The oat oil protects, softens and protects coloured hair. The castor oil seals and prevents breakage and adds shine.

 Made with all natural ingredients, no preservatives or fillers.

30 ml Pump

Ingredients: Argan, Moringa, Oat, Coconut, Castor, Rosemary, Satsuma.

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